If you are interested in developing as a leader at Sonrise, join Pastor John for a Google Classroom training beginning October 12th.
Sessions will be every Wednesday night from 9-10pm. Sessions will be recorded if you are unable to join live.

- Membership
- Be a discipleship partner (a brief meeting with 2 or 3 people to grow)
- Be in a Jesus Community or a Team (Leadership development can temp. Count for this)
- Participate weekly on zoom call from 9-10pm on Wed. Nights or make it up by replay
- Complete all readings and sign that you did
- Write a response paper to each whole book
- Meet once a month as a small group over a meal or coffee to discuss what you are learning and how you are growing
- Each Quarter will run for 10 weeks (there will be an intro week and a couple of weeks to discuss the books we are reading)
Entire Books
- Quarter 1 - Open Heavens by Bill Johnson
- Quarter 2 - The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio & Spiritual Gifts Tests - Don and Katy Fortune and 5Q or Leadership Grip
- Quarter 3 - The Church of the New Testament by Kevin J. Conner
Short Readings
Quarter 1
- EXXXit by John Hammer - Chapter 6: Identification
- The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever by Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter: Chapter 1 - The 1904 Revival
- From Jesus to the Gospels by Jeff Reed
- With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray: Chapter 20 - The Chief End of Prayer & Chapter 21 - The All-Inclusive Condition
- How to Read the Bible for all It’s Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart - Introduction: The Need to Interpret
- The Rebirth of Apostolic Congregations by George Hunter III: Reading “H” in Leaders and the Early Church by Jeff Reed
The Ecumenical Creeds by Hugh T. Kerr - Reading ‘E’ from Essentials of Sound Doctrine by Jeff Reed & The Westminster Catechism of Faith (Short Version)
Quarter 2
- The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating Apostolic Movements: Chapter 3 - Preparing for the Journey
- Power Evangelism by John Wimber: Part 1 The Kingdom has Come (5 Mini Chapters)
- Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth: Chapter 2 - Did Jesus Redeem Us from our Diseases When He Atoned for our Sins?
- The Essential Guide to Healing by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson: Chapter 11 - The Relational 5-Step Prayer Model and Prayer Card from Global Awakening
- Soul Care by Dr. Rob Reimer: Chapter 7 - Deliverance
- Pablo Batari Deliverance Model on Global Awakening Prayer Card
- Prophesy by Ben Dixon, Chapters TBD
Quarter 3
- The Churches of the First Century by Jeff Reed
- Kerygmatic Communities by Jeff Reed
- John Wesley’s Class Meetings by D. Michael Henderson: Chapter 2 - The Formation of Wesley’s Method
- The Didache: Reading ‘F’ in Essentials of Sound Doctrine by Jeff Reed
- 5Q by Alan Hirsh: Chapter 1 - RetroFuture: Biblical Foundations for a 5Q Future
- Walk in Generational Blessings by Joseph Mattera: Chapter 2 - The Strategy for Dominion
- The Jesus Principles by Joseph Mattera: Chapter 6 - Unleashing Others Potential